The Simple Plant Isoquinolines

By Alexander Shulgin and Wendy Perry
Publication Date: 2002
ISBN: 0-9630096-2-1

The Simple Plant Isoquinolines contains:

  • An alphabetical listing of the common NAMES of all simple isoquinolines, with immediate access to their structures, the plants that contain them, and a leading reference.
  • A searchable listing of the STRUCTURES of all simple isoquinolines, with immediate access to their common names, the plants that contain them, and a leading reference.
  • An alphabetical listing of the names of PLANTS that contain simple isoquinolines, with immediate access to their names and structures, and a leading reference.

If you have only the structure, or the common name of the compound, or the name of the plant, with this book you can assemble the information you need in twenty seconds.


The Simple Plant Isoquinolines

First Edition Hardcover.
List Price: $40.00